Powwow Report for Brazil - Río de Janeiro (Feb 9 2007)

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Photos from  T o b i a s

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Branca Amado
Ana Maria Barreiros
Paul Kozelka
olivija dimova
Alicia Casal
marina hennies
Maria Teresa Anjos
Beth Olinto
T o b i a s
Alvaro Neder, Ph.D.

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Feb 22 '07  Alicia Casal: Attendance:
will be entered tomorrow.
I need some help that proz is providing me.

Feb 22 '07  Alicia Casal: My handle?
At proz is Yonna.
Yes, i did have a great time!

Feb 22 '07  Alvaro Neder, Ph.D.: Superanjos, Alicia, future powwows
Superanjos, I'm sorry about youyr daughter but glad that she is ok now. But sorry, I don't know you by your handle (nickname)... : )

Alicia, I called you twice but you weren't available. I hope you had a good stay in Rio, keep in touch!

As for meetings, anytime!

best, all

Feb 21 '07  Alicia Casal: Attendance and ID Verification
Tomorrow I ll start working on both issues.
Once more: Thank You!
It was a real pleasure meeting you all and a true opportunity for networking.

Feb 21 '07  Alicia Casal: Just Landed: to Superlaranjos
Keep me posted about your duaghter.
Just arrived home in Bue.
Feb 19 '07  marina hennies: future powwows in Rio
Hello Superanjos,

I'm glad your daughter is well now. I think it's a great idea to have a powwow every six months.
Feb 19 '07  Maria Teresa Anjos: powwow
Amigos, Infelizmente ao deixar o powwow recebi umtelefone informando que minha filha sofrera um acidente e estava no hospital miguel couto. Só hoje retornamos a casa e agora está tudo bem, e posso finalmente responder a voces. adorei o encontro e conhecer pessoas muito interessantes. espero manter o contato. que tal um encontro a cada seis meses?
Feb 14 '07  Ana Maria Barreiros: Our meeting
Our meeting was a success!
It was a pleasure to meet you all!
Thank you Alicia!
Feb 12 '07  Branca Amado: meeting
Nice to meet you all!

Feb 11 '07  marina hennies: photos
Thanks Toby, for sending the photos so promptly!
Feb 11 '07  Alicia Casal: I do hope:
To meet you once more before i leave Rio.

Feb 11 '07  Alicia Casal: Just Thanks!
To everyone of you for attending the Powwow.
I enjoyed this powwow a lot, and I feel very grateful to all of you.

Today I tried to contact some of you: Ana Maria, Olivia, but couldn t find them.

Once more: just thanks!!!

Feb 11 '07  Alvaro Neder, Ph.D.: Wonderful to meet colleagues in flesh
O evento começou de forma algo inusitada. Como cheguei apenas às 19hs, pensei que já encontraria várias pessoas em torno de uma mesa. No entanto, não encontrei ninguém e a dona do local não sabia informar de nenhum evento ou reserva. Fiquei muito confuso pois achei que tinha me enganado de local, o que seria um problema pois não teria acesso à internet. Solicitei a organização das mesas e saí para procurar os membros em outro bar do parque dos patins. Não tendo encontrado ninguém, felizmente, ao retornar, encontrei o Paul e sua convidada Beatriz. Tivemos uma conversa interessantíssima sobre música e linguagem, e também sobre design de moda! Depois conheci Marina e Gunther, duas pessoas extremamente gentis, simpáticas, bem-humoradas e acolhedoras. Alejandra Castro, a homenageada da noite, também se demonstrou uma pessoa altamente calorosa e receptiva. Aliás, caloroso e receptivo são qualificativos que se aplicam a todos os presentes: Branca, Toby, Ione Maria, Alicia, Beth Olinto, Maria Tereza, Ana Maria e Olivia. Foi um enorme prazer conhecer a todos vocês. Espero que permaneçamos em contato e tenhamos mais oportunidades de nos encontrarmos, especialmente aqueles que moram no Rio e adjacências!
Feb 10 '07  Beth Olinto: Powwow in Rio
Unfortunately I was caught into a traffic jam from Barra to Leblon, and when I got to Lagoa after 10 pm, the bill was being ordered. But I was able to meet Marina, Alvaro, Maria Tereza, Branca and, of course, Alicia for a short chat. Thanks to Alicia!
Feb 10 '07  marina hennies: powwow last night in Rio
A very pleasant event, in spite of the extremely hot weather in Rio, which of course is normal at this time of the year.

The atmosphere was very happy and friendly, the company congenial and I was able to make new friends who work in the translation area, as well as meet old ones again.

Congratulations, Alicia and keep up the good work!
Feb 9 '07  Isabel Vidigal: Unfortunately...
I'm not going.... the clients, you know.... a job I could not decline...... sorry, I really wanted to go, mayben next time!! Hope you have a wonderful powwow!!!