Translation glossary: rhandlerPTEN

Showing entries 1-50 of 2,103
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" .... estamos fazendo uma retrospectiva do ano de 2006 e assim......"we're doing a retrospective review of the year 2006 and, therefore, ... 
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"cópia integral e emitida por fotocópia" (PT)full copy issued by photocopy of entry in the records 
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"coloque em uma tigela a massa"place the dough in a bowl 
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"DO FATO" e "DO DIREITO""On the Fact" (OU "Factual Aspects") / "On the Law" (OU "Legal Considerations") 
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"em primeira convocacao"in first summons 
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"valor normativo"normative value 
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(efs)initials of the certifying clerk 
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(emendas por) trespasseoverlapping (splices) 
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... curva produção de óleo (à menor)...... oil production curve (below estimated values) ... 
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... quer sejam estas vencidas, vincendas.... either accrued or maturing. 
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...........em três vias de igual teor e three counterparts of equal content 
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....enquadramento juridico da materialidade fáctica...Once the material facts can be framed under a legal provision, ... 
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...em decorrência do aumento abrupto da aversão ao risco dos agentes econômicos.... as a result of an abrupt rise in risk aversion among economic agents 
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...furo de captacao.....pergola metalica com curvatura corten.intake hole ... steel paraboloid pergola ... cor-ten steel (OR corten steel) 
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1 o AgrupamentoFirst Grouping 
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4 Vara federal4th Federal Court (OR 4th District Court) 
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5ª TurmaFifth Panel 
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60 % do valor global da adjudicação60% of the total award 
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7 Par/ D7 Even / D 
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a custo e prazo da contratadaat contractor's cost and time 
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a emissão e/ou desconto ou faturização de duplicatasthe issuance and/or bank discount or factoring of trade bills 
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A faixa salarial desta região está entre US$3,000 e US$ 5,000.The wage bracket for this area ranges from US$3,000 to US$ 5,000. 
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A força de compressão solicita a armadura transversalThe compression strength is carried by the cross reinforcement 
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a matar juntabutt-jointed 
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a montante da fábricaupwind from the plant 
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a morosidade do trabalhothe slowness of the work 
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A primeira impressão é a que ficaThe first impression is decisive 
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a pronto pagamentoupon presentation 
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a qual poderá ter carácter permanente ou nãowhich might or not have permanent character 
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a que for prestado o serviçoto which the services are provided 
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a que respeitarrelevant 
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a relação jurídico-laborallabor legal relations 
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a rogo c/ request before witnesses 
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a seguinte à seleccao principalsecond to the main team 
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a seu livre e exclusivo critérioat his sole and exclusive discretion 
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A sulfetação dos óxidos metálicosThe sulfiding of metal oxides 
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A textura sônica do parênquima hepático apresentou-se homogênea, com finos focosthe echo texture of the hepatic parenchyma was homogeneous, with fine foci 
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ação mandamentalpetition for writ of mandamus 
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ação previdenciáriaSocial security lawsuit 
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ação regressivathird-party claim 
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ação tipificadaaction defined in law as criminal (OR a crime) 
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Ações de obrigações de fazer e não fazerspecific performance suit 
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AÇÃO DE EXECUÇÃO POR QUANTIA CERTAdefault summons on a fixed sum demand 
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AÇÕES E EXECUÇÕES CÍVEIS, FISCAIS, CRIMINAIS E DOS JUIZADOS ESPECIAIS FEDERAIScivil, tax, crime and Federal Special Court actions and execution 
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abafamento de braquiarachoking of brachiaria 
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abatimento de concretoconcrete slump 
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abertura de sinalgreen light 
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abrimos mão de pagamentos feitoswe forgo payments made 
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abrindo para o efeitothereby submitting (to your consideration/decision) 
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