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What is your favorite Chinese poem?
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王昌龄: 出塞二首(其一);杜甫:阁夜 Mar 28, 2008

王昌龄: 出塞二首(其一);



岁暮阴阳催短景, 天涯霜雪霁寒宵.
五更鼓角声悲壮, 三峡星河影动摇.
夜哭千家闻战伐, 夷歌数处起鱼樵.
卧龙跃马终黄土, 人事音书漫寂寥.



[Edited at 2008-03-28 08:48]

wonita (X)
wonita (X)
Local time: 14:55
赠卫八处士 Mar 29, 2008














pkchan  Identity Verified
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Член ProZ.com c 2006
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清明时节 Mar 31, 2008



[Edited at 2008-03-31 14:59]

[Edited at 2008-03-31 14:59]

chica nueva
chica nueva
Local time: 06:55
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Qing Ming: Du Mu Apr 3, 2008

pkchan wrote:

[Edited at 2008-03-31 14:59]

[Edited at 2008-03-31 14:59]

Thanks PK. I looked it up in my Guide.

这一天正是清明佳节,诗人小牧,在行路中间,可巧遇上了雨.清明虽然是柳绿花红,春光明媚的时节,可也是气候容易发生变化的期间,甚至时有"疾风甚雨".但这日的细雨纷纷,是那种"天街小雨润如酥"样的雨, - 这也正是春雨的特色.这"雨纷纷",传达了那种"做冷欺花,将烟困柳"的凄迷而又美丽的境界.


I don't know whether you agree with this interpretation, or even like the commentaries. Reading the commentary is the only way I can attempt to translate these poems.

[Edited at 2008-04-03 00:59]

[Edited at 2008-04-03 02:40]

chica nueva
chica nueva
Local time: 06:55
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赠卫八处士 Apr 3, 2008

Bin Tiede wrote:














Hi Bin,





chica nueva
chica nueva
Local time: 06:55
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Wang Chang Ling 秦时明月汉时关 Apr 3, 2008

lai an wrote:
王昌龄: 出塞二首(其一);




chica nueva
chica nueva
Local time: 06:55
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Tang Poetry Apr 3, 2008



... See more




[Edited at 2008-04-03 22:58]

[Edited at 2008-04-04 00:24]

[Edited at 2008-04-06 03:44]

chica nueva
chica nueva
Local time: 06:55
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Qu Yuan Apr 4, 2008


... See more




[Edited at 2008-04-06 03:46]

chica nueva
chica nueva
Local time: 06:55
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Patriotic poet Qu Yuan Aug 3, 2009

lai an wrote:





[Edited at 2008-04-06 03:46]

Qu Yuan (approximately 340-278 BC) lived in the State of Chu, and once held the post of" zuotu" . In the turbulence of the Warring States period, facing the menace of the state of Qin, Qu Yuan did all he could to advocate allying with Qi to resist Qin, and to oppose accommodation and surrender. So that the Chu State could avoid danger and disaster, he put forward the "uphold virtue and receive talent" and "stick to the rules and don't deviate" series of political propositions for the state's prosperity and strength. Due to slander by treacherous court officials and the King of Chu's stupidity, Qu Yuan was unable to realise his ideals, and instead was dismissed from office and sent into exile. In his long period of exile, he was unwilling to leave his native land. He took up his pen and composed the "Encountering Sorrow", and then threw himself into the Miluo River and ended his life. All throughout his life Qu Yuan wrote many deathless poems; the "Encountering Sorrow" and "The Nine Declarations" , twenty or so poems in all, are still in existence.

"The Nine Declarations" is the overall title of nine poems. These poems include sorrowful statements, realistic descriptive narratives, bold and unrestrained lyrics, and strong commentaries. Amongst them, the ode to a material thing as a self-metaphor, "In Praise of the Orange Tree", is just like a sluggish trickling stream, pure and fresh, expressing the poet's noble and unsullied sentiments of "holding a nature free from selfishness" and being "unyielding against the vulgar tide" . The eleven poetic works created by the poet on the basis of the music and songs accompanying sacrifices to the spirits, "The Nine Songs" , are bright and musical, with simple words but deep meanings, and are rich in the colour and flavour of folk songs. Some of the poems even have a dramatic plot, exquisitely and richly imagined. Amongst them, in "The Spirits of the Fallen", with robust strokes, the poet depicts an 'unflinchingly facing death' warrior picture scroll. With intense feeling, the poem sings a powerful and stirring dirge, and even today when you read it, you feel moved and inspired over and over again. "Heaven Questioned" is an even more ingenious poem. The poem raises one hundred and seventy-two questions. Like the 10,000 li Yangtse River billows, racing along without pause, it shows the poet's inexhaustible zeal to seek the truth. The lines of the whole poem are irregular and random, and it is "a first-rate piece of remarkable writing" in China's literary history.

Qu Yuan's representative work, the "Encountering Sorrow", is the longest lyric poem in China's classical literature. It is a romantic masterpiece, sparkling with patriotic brilliance. The poet uses lively and elegant language to describe and narrate his own chaste and undefiled person and deeds, and his lofty aspirations. He expresses his fervently held high ambition to keep his ideals without regret through extreme and repeated mortal dangers. The romantic description in the poem which wanders the heavens above and the earth beneath and expresses sincere feelings in a made-up fantasy world, is artistic expression of originality and ingenuity. The section which writes of Ling Fen divining that he should depart and leave the country, is at an even greater height of artistic conception. He uses the Ling oracle's valediction and his own patriotic heart to compose a sharp dilemma and conflict, puts ardent love for native land above worldly reasoning and forges and tempers it, and from this he makes people see clearly the image of a great patriot sharing weal and woe.

[ Patriotic poet Qu Yuan: The Dragon Boat Festival on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month has always had the customs of dragon boat racing and making zongzi . These are the pure and holy sacrifices the people of China make to the great patriotic poet, Qu Yuan. This poet, whose memory has been cherished by the people through the long ages, used his boundless and ardent love for his native land, his great loathing of society's darkness, and his passionate quest for truth, to cast many immortal poems. These poems are not only China's precious cultural inheritance, but are also resplendent gems given to the cultural treasury of mankind. ... Qu Yuan's great character and glistening poems have had a huge influence in history. Today the people of China and the people of the world all revere this great poet. He is the pride of the Chinese nation. (Translated from Wang Yong Kuan et al., Native Land, China Youth Press, Beijing, 1983) ]

[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qu_Yuan
http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/屈原 屈原 ]

chica nueva
chica nueva
Local time: 06:55
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’Magnificent Tang Dynasty Poetry' Aug 3, 2009

lai an wrote:





Magnificent Tang Dynasty Poetry

China's ancient poetry continued to develop up until the Tang Dynasty, when brilliant attainments were made. More than two thousand three hundred poets, through their close on fifty thousand poems, are still in circulation today. Amongst them, Li Bai, Du Fu and Bai Ju Yi enjoy a world reputation. The subject matter of Tang poetry is wide-ranging, the content is rich, and they are a deep and broad reflection of the life of the society of the times. At the same time, the realistic and romantic methods of expression, and the artistic styles which contended in ingenuity and colour, as well as the mature and complete artistic forms, all far surpass those of earlier dynasties.

The development of Tang poetry is divided into four periods, Early Tang, Flourishing Tang, Middle Tang, and Late Tang.

In the Early Tang, the poets worked hard and continuously to break through the barriers of Qi and Liang court-style poetry. They expanded the subject matter and content of poetry, and completed the creation of the five and seven word shi poetic form. Wang Bo, Yang Tong, Lu Zhao Lin and Luo Bin Wang are the representatives of this group of poets. Following on after the outstanding Wang, Yang, Lu and Luo, the bold promoter of innovation, Chen Zi Ang, used robust poems of primitive simplicity to reflect the various types of contradictions in actual society and his own political views. "On Youzhou Terrace " is his masterpiece.

The Flourishing Tang was the time of the height of the power and splendour of the Tang shi. Famous masters came forth in large numbers, just like the Milky Way. Amongst them, all of these displayed their literary talent one after the other: Gao Shi and Cen Shen, celebrated for their frontier poems; Meng Hao Ran and Chu Guang Xi, famous for their nature scene poems; Wang Wei, for his writing of exceptional pastorals and landscapes rich in artistic and poetic conception; and Wang Chang Ling, given the title of "Poet-Master Emperor" for his love of the qijue . However, who is there in this starlit shining circle of Flourishing Tang poets who could possibly outdo the glorious achievements of Li Bai and Du Fu?

(Translated from ’Magnificent Tang Dynasty Poetry‘ in Wang Yong Kuan et al., Native land, China Youth Press, Beijing, 1983)

[Edited at 2009-08-03 04:55 GMT]

chica nueva
chica nueva
Local time: 06:55
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Magnificent Tang Dynasty Poetry Pt 2 Aug 3, 2009

The great romantic poet Li Bai lived the major part of his life before the An Lu-Shan Rebellion . His poems focus on depicting the life of Flourishing Tang society, as well as the poet's own rebellious mood of dissatisfaction with reality and of contempt for the bigwigs. Amongst them, "Wine will be Served", "The Hard Road" and "Reply to Wang Shi Er's Cold Night Drinking Alone and Reminiscing" are his representative works. Among Li Bai's poems, there are also quite a few which show concern for re... See more
The great romantic poet Li Bai lived the major part of his life before the An Lu-Shan Rebellion . His poems focus on depicting the life of Flourishing Tang society, as well as the poet's own rebellious mood of dissatisfaction with reality and of contempt for the bigwigs. Amongst them, "Wine will be Served", "The Hard Road" and "Reply to Wang Shi Er's Cold Night Drinking Alone and Reminiscing" are his representative works. Among Li Bai's poems, there are also quite a few which show concern for reality and are sympathetic to the hardships of the people. "Ding Duhu Ge ", which depicts the cruelly heavy physical labour of a boat tracker hauling a boatload of stones, is one of his famous works. "To the Five Mountains seeking celestials never put off by distance, all his life loving to go into famous mountains and wander about", Li Bai also wrote quite a number of poems singing the praises of the river and mountain scenery of our land. For example in "Hard Road to Shu", "Tian Mu Mountains Ascended in a Dream", and "Gazing at Lu Shan's Waterfall" , he depicts the majesty of our country's landscapes with a magnificent multi-coloured pen. These poems embody the poet's strong patriotic fervour, and at the same time also express the poet's ardent love of freedom, and his uniquely unconventional and uninhibited character. His poems are rich in the wonder and heroic spirit of romanticism, and he was once appraised thus: "He writes and astonishes the wind and the rain; his poems reduce the ghosts and gods to tears."

The great realist poet Du Fu's lifetime was a little later than Li Bai's. The An Lu Shan Rebellion compelled him to go through the hard times of homelessness and misery with the people. He used poems to record the face of those times and won the appellation "poet-historian". A patriotic passion of concern about his country and his people runs through his poetry. "My Trip from the Capital to Feng Xian" is his evergreen masterpiece. Two lines in the poem "Inside the vermilion gate wine and meat are stinking; on the roadside lie the bones of people frozen to death. " epitomise at a high level the reality of the class antithesis in the feudal society. The famous "Three Recruiting Officers", "Three Leave-takings" , "Spring Prospect", and "Northern Journey" series of poems are permeated between the lines with the poet's sorrowful heart, weeping blood in sympathy with the people and in ardent love for the native land, and burning with unquenchable political zeal. Right up until his late period, he still sang moving poetic lines like these: "Would that there were a broad mansion with thousands and thousands of rooms, to shelter all the scholars of the land so that they would show a happy countenance, unshaken by the wind and rain and stable as a mountain! Alas! When would this house appear suddenly before my eyes? Though my cottage were ruined and I alone froze to death I would be content!" . Du Fu was good at making highly artistic condensations of real life, and at oppressive pauses or transitions in rhythm or melody. His poetic forms were careful and precise, and he pushed realism to unprecedented heights.

In the Middle Tang, due to the complexity and intensity of social contradiction, the realistic trend in poetic endeavour moved into a 'surging forward with great momentum' phase. Following on after Du Fu, another outstanding poet, Bai Ju Yi, appeared. He unequivocally upheld the slogan, "Literary compositions should be written to serve one's generation, and poems and songs to influence public affairs" , and initiated the New Music Bureau Movement. His New Music Bureau poems exposed the abuses of the times, and sympathised with the people, "only voicing the people's sufferings", "only grieving over the depth of their plight" . He wrote a large quantity of poem-parables , for example "The Old Charcoal-Seller" and "Red Silk Carpets". His "Song of Everlasting Sorrow" and "The Song of the Lute" are also rare treasures in Tang Poetry. Around him was a group of poets, Yuan Zhen, Zhang Ji, Wang Jian, and Li Shen, who also vigorously promoted the New Music Bureau Movement. Apart from these, other Middle Tang poets worth noting are Han Yu, Li He, Liu Yu Xi, and Liu Zong Yuan. They each had their own schools and their own distinctive achievements, which demonstrates the large number of schools of poetry of the Middle Tang.

[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rewi_Alley#Poetry Bai Juyi, 1983
http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/路易·艾黎 路易·艾黎 ]

[Edited at 2009-08-03 05:24 GMT]

chica nueva
chica nueva
Local time: 06:55
китайский => английский
Magnificent Tang Dynasty Poetry Pt 3 Aug 3, 2009

Along with the decline and upheaval in state affairs, the stylistic features of Late Tang poetry changed greatly. Artistically, Du Mu and Li Shang Yin's achievements rate very highly, but their sentimentality is really quite marked. There are some poems amongst them which indulge in women and song, revealing a hollowness of spirit. Towards the end of the Tang, this kind of tendency became even more serious. Content was thin and an ornamented poetic style enveloped practically the whole world of ... See more
Along with the decline and upheaval in state affairs, the stylistic features of Late Tang poetry changed greatly. Artistically, Du Mu and Li Shang Yin's achievements rate very highly, but their sentimentality is really quite marked. There are some poems amongst them which indulge in women and song, revealing a hollowness of spirit. Towards the end of the Tang, this kind of tendency became even more serious. Content was thin and an ornamented poetic style enveloped practically the whole world of poetry. However, Pi Ri Xiu, Du Xun He, and Lu Gui Meng's poems still used the critical spearpoint of realism to reflect the deep social contradictions at the close of the dynasty.

Translated from Wang Yong Kuan et al., Native land, China Youth Press, Beijing, 1983

lai an wrote:

pkchan wrote:


Thanks PK. I looked it up in my Guide: 这一天正是清明佳节,诗人小牧,在行路中间,可巧遇上了雨.清明虽然是柳绿花红,春光明媚的时节,可也是气候容易发生变化的期间,甚至时有"疾风甚雨".但这日的细雨纷纷,是那种"天街小雨润如酥"样的雨, - 这也正是春雨的特色.这"雨纷纷",传达了那种"做冷欺花,将烟困柳"的凄迷而又美丽的境界. "唐诗鉴赏辞典",上海辞书出版社,上海,1983 I don't know whether you agree with this interpretation, or even like the commentaries. Reading the commentary is the only way I can attempt to translate these poems.

[Edited at 2009-08-03 05:00 GMT]

CHEN-Ling  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:55
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+ ...
水调歌头·明月几时有 Aug 13, 2009




[Edited at 2009-08-13 09:08 GMT]

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