There has been a few new players in the social media world lately, particularly Pinterest, a social network that has been there for almost a year but is just starting to take off now. Some even think it will come among the big top players.
Pinterest is a place to organize and share online images that you find interesting or inspiring. Once uploaded or shared on Pinterest, these images become known as Pins, which the user can place on customized, themed Boards. You can create Boards for any topic imaginable, from cats to classic cars to cats driving classic cars. The possibilities are endless.
If you want to check out Pinterest, though, you have to be invited. You can sign up for invites on the site (prepare for a wait), or chances are you already know a Pinner who will gladly send you an invite.
Read more here
See also: Pinterest: 13 Tips and Tricks for Cutting Edge Users
Pinterest is in Beta phase and invitation only mode right now, if someone is interested, email-me and I'll send you an invite.
As for Proliphiq, it's quite not the same level. Proliphiq, still in beta phase too, is a search engine of people (who willingly entered themselves there) based on topics. Not sure if Proliphiq will ever take off, but here's a basic first impressions review.
Have a good week,
[Edited at 2012-01-10 10:29 GMT]