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Poetry with a tune: "Translation of Lyrics"»  Source text notes: Inglês

Source text notes should be used to make comments only about the meaning of the source text, or its style, sense, etc. Source texts notes should not be used to discuss translation of the text.

A good source text note is one that clarifies something about the source text, and therefore would be helpful to a person translating that text into any language. The purpose of these notes will be to help those evaluating translations (in any pair) to make well-informed judgments.

Source textPossible source text note
We're lost, but we're making good time.In US English, 'making good time' means 'making good progress' (not 'having fun').
If the world were perfect, it wouldn't be.Grammatically, a contradiction. This adds to the impact of the remark.
I'm not going to buy my kids an encyclopedia. Let them walk to school like I did.'encyclopedia' sounds like something you could ride to school on. (That's the only reason this quote is notable.)

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Source text segment #6

On a Sunday morning sidewalk, I'm wishing, Lord, that I was stoned. 'Cause there's something in a Sunday That makes a body feel alone.

Notes about this source segment

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Stoned here refers to wanting to feel completely numb through smoking pot, or drinking, to avoid feeling so lonely
Στου Κυριακάτικου πρωινού το πεζοδρόμιο,
εύχομαι, Κύριε, να ήμουν μεθυσμένος.
Γιατί, μέσα σε μια Κυριακή κάτι υπάρχει
που να κάνει το κορμί ν
Stoned può essere tradotto in molti modi, ma "STONATO"????
Na pločniku jutrom u nedjelju,
želim, Bože, da sam opijen,
jer ima nešto u nedjeljnom danu
što tijelo osamljuje
Does 'stoned' have double meaning? I also wonder whether this text has religious connotation. I got this impression by reading comments on YouTube.
En la mañana del Domingo durante mi paseo, Estoy deseando, Señor, que fuera apedreado. Porque el Domingo tiene algo que hace mi cuerpo estar en la soledad.

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