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Elisa Farina publicado em compartilhado:

English > Italian – Translation – Presentation of a berry extract. It gets from the detailed description of extraction technologies to the results of a clinical study to prove the benefits of the product on human health. By the way, how do you translate "claim"? Here it clearly refers to "nutrition and health claims". So the answer is "indicazioni (nutrizionali e sulla salute)" or "claim".


I Do That

  • inglês para italiano
  • 1900 palavras
  • Food & Drink
respondido em as 07:58 Jun 19, 2019:

I don't translate into Italian, but this EU report may answer your question:

respondido em as 15:00 Jun 19, 2019:

Hello Elisa! I don't translate into Italian but from Italian (and English!). Mostly the Italian word is "dichiarazioni". Definitely, both eur-lex and IATE database will help you with this ;-)