[...] Prince Catapultio soared towards the window of the tower like a featherless eaglet and smashed through it, glass scattered in every direction. [...] Catapultio had succeeded in breaching particular strongholds like this before, but escaping them was always the difficult part. Catapultio was always discovered and needed to flee the same way he entered... launching himself out of the window! That is why his head was littered with bumps and lumps! [...] However, everything changed on the day that he embarked to rescue the Princess of Pantsland. Catapultio, as per usual, attacked the castle by catapult and smashed through yet another window.
- "ANODHER window! Dhad really hurd!"
- "Who are you? What are you doing here?!" the Princess of Pantsland proclaimed.
- "Do nod fear, Princess, I have draveled here do rescue you."
- "To rescue me?"
- "Precisely, on dhe orders of your fadher."
- "Who?"
- "His Majesdy..."
- "I do apologize, I do not understand what you are say..."
- "Ohhh my father. Right, so... Who says that I need to be rescued?"
- "You do nod need me do? Well dhad is an issue... I dhoughd dhad princes always rescue princesses.
- "You thought right. But you know what? I know how to rescue myself." [...]